Hohenzollern Castle

Photo / May. 15, 2011

Rose garden

Photo / May. 14, 2011

Tübingen part 2

Photo / May. 13, 2011

Carmen Sandiego is still MIA, but we found her coat.

There were lots of people renting these boats. One group even had a little hibachi which seems, um, less than safe for a wooden boat.

Tübingen part 1

Photo / May. 13, 2011

About an hour south of Stuttgart is Tübingen, a picturesque college town filled with historic buildings, winding streets, and cute shops and cafés.

Doug and Sven wait patiently while I run around the platz taking photos.

Ritter Sport

Photo / May. 13, 2011

We stopped by the Ritter Sport factory on the way to Tübingen. They have a cute shop that sells all their myriad flavors and a tiny museum to tell the history of the company.

The big gay beer tent

Photo / May. 12, 2011

One night of the Stuttgart fest the gays don their lederhosen and take over the giant beer tent. Like a good beer tent, all the seating is benches. Not that you’re sitting much anyway — most of the time you stand on your sliver of bench seat and drink beer after beer. The bands and music are kitschy and fun, and by your second liter of beer everyone is your new best friend. Ziga zaga! Ziga zaga! Oi! Oi! Oi!

Ich gehe nach Deutschland!

Other / Mar. 7, 2011

I just booked tickets for a May trip to Stuttgart, and I’m super excited. The last time I visited my pal Douglas was 2005. It was early in the year and we were up to our balls in snow, which you can sorta tell from the above shot taken from the top of the Ulm Minster.

Now Douglas has less hair, a handsome partner (named Sven, no less), a cute new house and an Audi TT with which to whisk me across the countryside. Also, I have no idea who this guy is, but here’s hoping I meet him while I’m there. Can’t wait!