
/ Feb. 22, 2011

Hi there — My name is Michael Stanaland. I grew up in West Texas, but now I’m a city boy living in D.C.’s fabulous Dupont Circle. I spend 9-to-5 working for a print publication. My off-hours passions include photography, web design, all things Apple, cooking and travel.

This site was inspired by Chris Glass, whose talent far exceeds mine. Heck, some bits of this site are a blatant rip-off, so I hope if I ever meet him I’ll at least get to shake his hand before he punches my lights out.

Camera Equipment

Desktop software

Server side

thatmichael.com is hosted by Dreamhost and powered by WordPress.

HTML5 and web standards

I built this site using HTML5 and CSS3 markup, and I’ve made little to no attempt at “backwards compatibility” for web browsers that don’t support web standards (read Internet Explorer.) I believe web standards are important and I adhere to them on every site that I build. Every page of this site’s HTML markup should validate as either HTML5 or XHTML 4.01 Transitional, and its layout is built using valid CSS.

Web browsers that don’t suck
