Bike here

Photo / Mar. 23, 2011

I must have walked past this bike rack at the southern Dupont Circle Metro entrance a dozen times before I noticed the hidden, yet obvious message.

Zip it, rock it

Photo / Mar. 20, 2011

A couple of the metal sculptures along 17th St. presumably by the same artist, but maybe not.


Photo / Mar. 18, 2011

I don’t have the patience nor the telephoto lenses for nature photography, but this little guy was unfazed by my hanging out a few feet away, so I fired away. Lazy city birds.

Happy Saint Patrick’s day

Photo / Mar. 17, 2011

In honor of the Irish holy day of binge drinking, the White House staff has turned the fountain on the Pennsylvania Ave. side green!

Sunrise from the Ellipse

Photo / Mar. 15, 2011

This morning’s sunrise made my morning walk kinda awesome.

Ich gehe nach Deutschland!

Other / Mar. 7, 2011

I just booked tickets for a May trip to Stuttgart, and I’m super excited. The last time I visited my pal Douglas was 2005. It was early in the year and we were up to our balls in snow, which you can sorta tell from the above shot taken from the top of the Ulm Minster.

Now Douglas has less hair, a handsome partner (named Sven, no less), a cute new house and an Audi TT with which to whisk me across the countryside. Also, I have no idea who this guy is, but here’s hoping I meet him while I’m there. Can’t wait!

Signs of spring

Photo / Mar. 5, 2011

Buds on the tulip trees across from the White House are getting pretty big. Should only be a few more weeks before D.C. spring officially begins!

So long, Lindsay

Photo / Mar. 4, 2011

A shot from Lindsay, our now former researcher’s, going away party. If you didn’t know her you might think this is her looking sad and reflecting on good times at the Business Journal. But we know this is the face Lindsay makes when the person talking to her is full of shit.