Defenders of Wildlife

Photo / Mar. 2, 2011

This adorable statue in front of the Defenders of Wildlife building on 17th St. isn’t fooling me. I’ve seen movies — these things follow poor lost humans around the countryside until they’re is exhausted and then the wolves attack!

15 Dupont Circle

Uncategorized / Mar. 1, 2011

The old Patterson mansion (now the Washington Club) is the only survivor of a ring of mansions that originally stood around Dupont Circle. It’s hard to imagine Dupont, which is now very urban and bustling, as being a quiet retreat for the über wealthy. Read more at Wikipedia.

Mobile and shadows

Photo / Feb. 27, 2011

This is less than half of Alexander Calder’s mammoth mobile in the National Gallery of Art’s East Building. The thing is just breath-taking. Now the architecture of the East Building mostly ticks me off. The layouts of the galleries are often awkward, and finding the entrance to those galleries is about as easy as navigating a MC Esher painting come to life. But the atrium is another story; it is simply an astounding piece of work. One of the reasons why is the kaleidoscope patterns of light and shadows the faceted skylights create. Ever hour and every day the place becomes a whole new piece of art.

A checkers game for Window phone

Code / Feb. 26, 2011

Anything Windows kinda makes my skin crawl, but a friend talked me into helping him. I definitely prefer the iPhone’s aspect ratio, and it would have helped with the empty-feeling top area.

A new

Other / Feb. 23, 2011

Well I’ve done it again: ripped out a few walls, slathered the rest with paint and tossed a few throw pillows about. Violà … new website. Of course there’s still the portfolio side of things, but this time I added in some play to temper the work. It’s my hope that I’ll continue to keep shooting photos and posting often. Not every day like Mr. Glass does, but two or three times a week.

I still have lots to do to get some older and important (to me) portfolio work up here. Heck, there’s not any web or video up at all! As a result this post might remain the “newest” for a while and stay at the top, but that doesn’t mean I’m not adding post-dated content to the end of the blog.

Also there just might be some bugginess with WordPress and this heavily modified theme. If you find something that’s broken please leave a comment. Even if you don’t find anything wrong, leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Thanks for visiting,

Update: I just discovered the multi-page navigation isn’t working on the category drill-downs. A fix will be coming tout de suite. Also, by my use of French in the last sentence, I’ve discovered that using the <em> tag doesn’t actually put the words in italics.

Update 2: Both problems fixed.

The laundry library

Photo / Feb. 23, 2011

Down in our building’s laundry room there’s these two book shelves — a graveyard for books people don’t want but can’t bare to throw away. Often the books should just be put out of their misery, but occasionally you’ll find a gem. Like the 1972 “Bullwinkle” Little Golden Book which cost only 39 cents. And look up on the end of the top shelf — that’s a 1933 printing of “The Arabian Nights”. I’ll be rescuing both if they’re still there in a week.

Making the (green) grade

Design / Feb. 23, 2011

A quick illustration for a Green Prints column in On Site about grading commercial buildings’ greenness.

Another spread from this issue after the jump »

Landing at National

Photo / Feb. 13, 2011

I love National Airport because it’s super convenient, and sometimes if fortune’s on your side, you get amazing views like this as you land.

Two more landmarks after the jump »